Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shy of a year.

Seeing that many events have taken place since I have last posted on this thing, I thought I should update. My son Gabriel Richard was born in October of this previous year. He is a healthy little 3 month old and is growing at an alarming rate. He has since a sweet personality. In between his feeding and diaper changing times, he is such a happy little boy who smiles no less that 50 times a day. And now has aquired the name from his mother "Chunker". Hopefully it doesn't stick. Joryn has grown so much. She is getting so much more personality every day. Tonight when I put her to bed. She was singing to herself . "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes". I love that little girl. I never thought I would have someone adore me as much as she does. She has finally taken up potty training like a champ. After Gabe was born she completely relapsed what we had achieved previously. So for her to respond to the new ploy of rewards and saving has been spectacular. Taryn has been a supermom this last year. She has handled the lack of sleep far better than I. I am grateful for her in my life and how hard she works, (YES WORKS.)for this little family. It has been hard for her. And the fact that she didn't get a physical birthday present from me didn't help. But I tried to make her day special. Taryn I love you more than you will ever know. If it is from just talking in the bed before sleep(or nap time for me) or sitting on a kitchen chair cuddling while catching up on The Office and watching The Soup together. You are my soul mate and hope we will always remain close. I am grateful to be with someone who can still love me for who and what I am. And also for my mistakes and faults. I hope to work hard to get her the home she deserves. We have lived in this place too long and we deserve a place that we can truly can our own. I am grateful for the home we are in now but it just isn't where we feel like we can raise our children in. I have never understood depression at all until I read half of a blog about getting past suicide by Taryn's best friends mother. It gave me the perspective to see how my life compares to others and see that my trials were specifically designed for me. I have to stop my habit of thinking negatively and procrastination . I truly feel like it has hindered me in the progression of my career. If I can defeat these foes. I know success in a professional matter will be a simple matter due to the fact that my mind isn't cluttered with mindless, worthless, and meaningless thoughts. My desire is to be financially independent. I want to retire early and be a philanthropist. Give to those who really need help. I have always been the giving type, and I feel that it is what I have been designed for. I need to think less of "if I had millions of dollars" and more of "I have millions of dollars in the ether waiting for me to provide the useful service I am designed for. " So hope that many people may understand that Desire is the secret to being successful in all aspects of life. I love you all. And hope my close family can forgive me for my procrastination. No More!!!



Taryn Sawyer said...

I love you Jeffy. You are a great man you just need to see it.

SoftlyFalling said...

Jeff, I hope you know what a great writer you are and that you have all the potential in the world to do and be whatever you put your mind to. You are an amazing person, a fantastic father, and a wonderful husband to my dear friend. The two of you are so good together and that makes me happy to see. :)