Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jeff's Thoughts and Random Ramblings

Taryn threatened me with violence if I didn't update the blog. jk. Anyways, alot of things have happened since the Joryn's birthday update. I got a new job, with help from my big bro. Its a production job at the Smiths(Kroger) Bakery. It has been two months now I really like the amount of personal time that I have with my family. After 6 months I will get a raise and I will be going back to school. My wife has been the best support for me during this transition. And I feel that we are closer than ever because of it.

Taryn has began to Nanny a little newborn baby named Issac. Her mother's neighbor needed someone as soon as she ran out of time off. They adopted him 2 months ago and so it has been interesting adjusting to having another little person around. Taryn really likes taking care of children. She is a natural at raising Joryn. Plus this job allows her to be able to have her around.

Joryn has been growing both physically and mentally. She amazes us everyday with the things that she says. The other day she told Taryn, (while holding a diaper) "Mommy I Stink". She does have a strawberry milk addiction, we can hardly get her to drink regular milk. Maybe an intervention may be in store. While at her Grandma's house this week she got hooked on "Mickey Mouse Club House". She'll watch it all day if she could. But I would assume she will get bored of it like she has with "Curious George".

Life is wonderful, and wasting time wishing for what you don't have is a poor decision. It eventually consumes you and the opportunity to have a better life passes you by. I have struggled with this many, many times. Its like swimming in a stagnant pond instead of a clean flowing river. The muck from the bottom gets all over and soon it gets unpleasant to be in. But do you just accept that "it is the way it is". Some out of habit become immune to the muck, instead of uprooting yourself from the buildup and starting new.

I have always been the type to make my own mistakes instead of following the example of those who have been there. And not a day goes by that my wife says to me, "I told you so". She does have an incredible common sense about most things. Only I can improve myself. I could of months and months ago found a new job. But I was in what I call a "Mental Mud Pit". I really did not like my job but I wasn't taking the necessary steps to finding a new job. And it took my incredible Brother to softly SHOVE me in the right direction, and my wife to give me the final KICK. (I still have the bruise. jk) She received divine inspiration that taking this job is the right step in our lives. And that is something that I will not ignore.

I am blessed with a Wife and Daughter who daily give me love and happiness that I desired to find for so many years. When Taryn and I were dating we decided to pray together. And that moment it was revealed to me that I should marry her. It was unlike any feeling I had ever had before. It wasn't a voice, it was a direct prompting from above.

And I am grateful for my Soul Mate, Daughter, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, and my Dog in my life. And it last yet not least for the Gospel, and its presence all around.

Thank you again to our family's for the great people and examples that they are.


Jeffrey Richard Sawyer

p.s. Taryn and Joryn says "Hi".