Pudgy Monkey cakes by Taryn. lol!!!
It seems like a million things have happened since the last update. Joryn is an official two year old. She really enjoyed herself. She picked up quickly on the opening presents and candle blowing skills. The later today she is having a party with the Sells side of the family. She is such a loved little girl.
And the ever so light "KALLIDOG".
We painted the kitchen one week ago, and we still have to finish the cupboards and fix up the drawers. But we are excited because it makes our home feel lighter and open. In Joryn's room we painted a bed table and placed a small TV inside with plexi-glass over the front. Joryn really enjoys watching her movies(Wall-E, Cars, Wall-E, Ratatoullie, Nemo, Nemo, and Wall-E) on it.
In the pictures below. Joryn found a sharpie and decided to color herself and our couch.
When we were watching Kallidog for Mom and Dad, Joryn kept climbing into her cage.
The kids love "Fox in Sock by Dr. Suess"
Joryn just being cute.
Daddy let Joryn play with Moon sand and regretted it.
Uncle Chicken dancing or kicking a football, you guess!
Playing at Em & Steve's house
Playing 500 with family.
Lil sis is a butterfinger.
Auntie Em takes Kennon for a spin.
More 500!
Waiting for the fireworks in Pleasent View.
Playing Bocchi Ball